The Car Window Tint Process – NASCAR Race Cars

Inter is easy to use. It is first necessary to take the car to a dry space that is dry. The technician then makes windows ready using water, soap, a squeegee and an squeegee.

Tint technicians pay special pay attention to the area which windows the film will be set up. After washing the windows, technicians measure the car’s windows and cuts the parts of the film to meet the measurements. The technician then lays films on the exterior windows surface, and then cuts it with precision. The technician cuts it according to the dimension of the windows of the car. They shrink the film with a hot air gun.

Once the tint has been properly calibrated and shaped The professional then applies it on the inside of the car’s windows. It is then sprayed with soapy water onto the glass and film to activate the film’s adhesive. This allows the film to slide across the glass until it’s well placed. After peeling the release liner, the installer will apply the film on the window of the car with adhesive facing down. The installer uses special scrapers for smoothing the edges and remove any bubbles. The tint of the window will require 3 days to cure before drivers roll down their windows.
